As a control medium for the system, compressed air is transferred from the controller to the control unit via a copper tube and a plastic tube, usually a damper or valve actuator. This control method relies on sensors and thermostats, from sensors to controls and actuators. Relieve or maintain line pressure. Each sensor responds to changes in temperature, humidity, and static pressure as an example to provide feedback in the control loop to open or close the actuator to meet the control set point. The actuator consists of a diaphragm and a spring to act in tandem with the control signal. The system uses compressed air as a communication method. Each thermostat in a building with a pneumatic control system has one or more air lines connected to it from a main source of compressed air and connected to some type of final device, such as a valve.
Some pneumatic local controllers in pneumatic systems include: sort accumulators, air pressure gauges, control valves, isolation valves, solenoid valves, and pressure-electric (PE) switches. The pneumatic control system has limited remote monitoring capabilities. They can include calibration meters that can indicate space and control conditions such as temperature and pressure. All pneumatic systems rely on bimetallic metals and leak ports to effectively adapt to changing space conditions. This system requires very clean dry air as a source, and all controllers and thermostats require constant maintenance as they deviate from calibration over time.